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NEWS: Unfortunately the changes by our website provider make this page so difficult to update that all our 'News' is on our Facebook page SaintMichael Beckwithshaw!
SERVICES at Saint Michael and All Angels', Beckwithshaw near Harrogate in North Yorkshire, England are welcoming and friendly and are usually held at 11.15 a.m. on Sundays. We serve refreshments after the service and use this time for fellowship - catching up on the events of the past week and generally getting to know one another a bit better. A short service of Morning Prayer is also held on Tuesdays at 9.15 a.m. If you are not able to join us in person you can visit our Youtube channel where you can join regular Sunday services STREAMED LIVE from St Robert's Pannal at 9.15 a.m. Muffin Church - an interactive time of singing, stories, prayers .... and muffins (they look like buns to me), is held from 3.30 to 4.15p.m. on Tuesdays during term time in church. All ages welcome.
THE CHURCH IS OPEN DAILY between 10 and 4 for private prayer and reflection and for you to drop off donations for the Harrogate Foodbank.
To sign up for regular emails containing Notices and mid-week messages click here. N.B. We have not produced a distrobuted, printed church magazine since March 2020. Our Facebook pages are at 'SaintMichael Beckwithshaw' which is a friendly, social-media presence and our Online Sales and Giving page at Fbook Beckwithshaw Church. In addition we are now on Instagram @beckwithshawchurch so please tag us in any of your local pictures.
We may be a small community church in Beckwithshaw, near Harrogate in North Yorkshire but we have a big, welcoming heart. Our church is very much here to serve the community, in family worship and in weddings, funerals and baptisms. We have close links with the school and a thriving Junior (Muffin) Church on Tuesdays and hope that we may see you in the near future. We hope the information on these pages helps you find what you are looking for. We would love to personally welcome you to one of our weekly services. If you need to talk to our Vicar in person don’t be afraid to give him a call, or see him or a Churchwarden on Sundays if you have any questions.
St Michael and All Angels’ is a Parish Church serving the village of Beckwithshaw and the surrounding area. An excellent example of a Victorian Church in the Gothic Revival style with examples of fixtures and fittings in the style of the Arts and Crafts movement. Having recently become a Grade II listed building, the church has examples of fine stained glass windows portraying scenes from the Book of Revelation and carvings by William Pashley.
For information regarding our church Safeguarding Policy and contacts please click here.
We are making some changes .........As custodians of an important piece of our heritage we are looking to future proof the building for the next 100 years. The current heating lighting and facilities in the church building are not conducive to this. We are anxious to preserve the current features of the building but to bring it up to date with toilet and kitchen facilities. The latest updates to our plans can be found by clicking here for more info. |
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